Set file_NewFilenames to choose file with prompt "Choose. Its not the most robust - it will fail if you try to create duplicate files, but for the most part it does a good job for a quick and dirty. SImply open applescript, paste in an run. Here is an appleapplescript that will perform a batch rename of selected files with ne names provided in a. Then enter a name in the Custom Format field, and enter the number you want to start with.Although the original poster's problem is long solved and it doesn't directly help. You need to choose a name format, including name and index, name and counter, and name and date, then choose to display the name format before or after the name. You can totally rename selected files/folders with the Format feature. Then click on the Rename button to rename selected files. Type the target text in the middle box and choose to add the text before or after text using the far-right dropdown box. If you want to add some text strings before or after the file names in bulk, this feature helps.

An example is there to display the file name after modification. There are two boxes, just enter the text string you want to remove in the Find box and enter the text you want to put there in the Replace with box. You can batch-replace the same contents in the file names of selected items with the text you prefer. Then you can rename selected items with different features, including Replace Text. Tap on the circle with three dots on the toolbar and select Rename on the menu, or choose File > Rename from the app menu bar, or control-click the selected items and choose Rename to call up the rename box. Or press the Command and A keys to select all files/folders within the folder.

Or click the first item you want to select, press and hold the Shift key, then click the last item to select multiple items that are next to each other. Press and hold the Command key, and click the items one by one. Open your Finder and select items you want to rename. There are some tricks you can use to rename multiple files at once. If you attempt to rename a number of files or folders on Mac, renaming them one by one is time- and effort-consuming. How to batch-rename files or folders in Finder