The Barkley is a roughly 100-mile run through unmarked and incredibly rugged terrain. But you know, trail run isn’t really correct, either. So, the Barkley is run through the woods of Frozen Head State Park in Morgan County, Tennessee, which is near Knoxville – just west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Think of it like an ultramarathon trail run on steroids – but these steroids don’t exist because they are way too strong to be approved by the FDA and you would probably just plop over dead if you took one. But the Barkley, as we’ve alluded, is not your average trail run. I’d be too busy looking for roots that could potentially trip me to think about how much I hate running, which is easy to do when you’re running on boring pavement. H: Yeah, back when you were trail running, you said you enjoyed it because running through the woods would take your mind off the pain of actually running. That means, it isn’t run on a paved surface. The Barkley, however, is also a trail run, kind of.

The Barkley is an ultramarathon, which means it’s longer, much longer, than your everyday, run-of-the-mill marathon, which is usually 26 miles. M: Yeah, this is not your ordinary marathon by any stretch, as if an ordinary marathon isn’t hard enough. And let me be clear to right up front: I am in NO WAY interested in participating in this event. H: Several years ago, Mark and I found ourselves watching a documentary on Netflix about an absolutely crazy thing called the Barkley Marathon, and I’ve been fascinated by it ever since. This week’s episode answers the question: How in the world did Martin Luther King’s assassin contribute to the creation of the world’s most difficult ultramarathon trail run event? Outside magazine rocks, and this feature on Lazarus is AMAZING:.Another of Lazarus’ famous races, Big’s Backyard Ultra:.And this is the Runner’s World article about last year’s race (2019), in which nobody finished:.Runner’s World has several articles about the Barkley, not surprising.The unofficial Barkley website (also fan-administered) – go deep in the blogs here for some great info and insights on the race:.Facebook page for the Barkley (fan-administered):.Here’s the extensive NYT article we referenced in the podcast:.Great article about Lazarus Lake himself:.This is a really great and detailed blog about the race, written by a fan:.The only thing really fit for this section this week is for us to include many more resources and articles to read about Lazarus Lake and his infamous races.