Render 3D animated titles and effects like snow, lens flares, or flying text.

Video Effects Engine is effective as it removes the background from your video, inverts colors, adjusts brightness, and more.The powerful animation framework makes it easy to fade, slide, bounce, and animate anything in your video project.Blender: Blender is a highly versatile video editor that is designed for all distributions of Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. The best thing about all these video editors is that they are free and open source. Quickly trim your videos with various tools available. Best Three Video Editors for Linux Mint 20: The following are the best three video editors that are available for Linux Mint 20.It is capable of generating images that are better and sharper, and also makes the task of video creation and editing easier than other video editing software out there. You create videos instantly from existing audio, video, and image file using this software. Besides Linux, it also supports other operating systems such as Windows, macOS, etc. OpenShot is the most popular free video editing software with many features and is easy to use. LiVES (LiVES Editing System) / l a v z / is a free and open-source video editing software and VJ tool, released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.There are binary versions available for most popular Linux distributions (including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, Gentoo, Slackware, Arch Linux, Mandriva and Mageia).There are also ports for BSD, and it will run under. All you need to do is download, make an executable and run. You can download the latest version 2.6.1 for free. Openshot video editor is a powerful video editor for Linux.